Crash on Slickback Road

WMFD units responded to a single vehicle crash on Slickback Road Sunday morning.  First units on scene reported a vehicle off the roadway with power lines and pole on top of the vehicle.  The driver of the vehicle was advised to remain in the vehicle until the power company disconnects service in the area.  West KY RECC responded and shut the power off to the area to allow removal of the patient.  Marshall County EMS transported patient who suffered non incapacitating injuries.  A power pole was reset in approximately 2 hours. 

Units Responding: Rescue 81, Brush 81


Station Updates

The Middle Fork Station is moving along, ever so slowly.  Drywall work is near completion, and interior metal is completed.  We're expecting approximately 30-40 days before we can store a vehicle at this location. 

Vehicle Crash on Mayfield Highway

On New Year's Eve morning, WMFD responded to the call of a single vehicle crash on Mayfield Highway at Jack Treas Road.  Upon arrival units found a vehicle with major damage.  WMFD units extricated patient from vehicle after arrival of the Marshall County Coroner. 
Units Responding:  Rescue 81, Engine 82, Brush 81

Overturned Truck on Oak Level Road

WMFD units responded to a single vehicle crash on Oak Level Road.  No serious injuries were reported and traffic control was provided.

Hog Barn Fire on Lela Green Road

WMFD units responded to a fire in a hog barn on Lela Green Road.  First units on scene reported heavy smoke from an approximately 120 x 300 building.  Units established an attack line to the rear of the building and utilizing thermal imaging located the fire and extinguished.  The fire was contained to a small area and no livestock was present in the building.
Thanks to South Marshall Fire, Palma Briensburg Fire, Calloway Fire Rescue, Clear Springs Fire for their assistance.

Units responding:  E80, E82, E83, T81, B81, B82


Its been several months since we've updated our website.  There's a lot of excuses I can give, but basically its been because we've been using Facebook to update on call responses and other issues.  But after talking with Jonathan we're going to try to use this more again. 

Things that have been progressing since our last update.  We are in construction on our new fire station.  The Fire Station will be known as the West Marshall Department Middle Fork Station.  Here are some construction photos....

Second, we have been responding to calls now in the former Pioneer response area.  There have been few calls, which is a good thing of course.  

Additionally, we would like to congratulate our neighboring districts to the east, Hardin-South Marshall Fire Department and Aurora-Ross Fire Departments have merged to form the South Marshall Fire Department.  We look forward to working with the new department.

More updates to come...

Vacation Bible School at Pleasant Valley Church

Wednesday West Marshall Fire Department visited Pleasant Valley Church's VBS services to speak to the groups about fire safety and a demonstration of fire equipment.  Here are some pictures from the event.  Thanks to Pleasant Valley Church for inviting us and their hospitality.

Single Vehicle MVA on Wadesboro Road North

WMFD units responded to a single vehicle crash at the 5100 block of Wadesboro Road North. Units on scene stabilized patient and vehicle and assisted EMS with patient removal. 
Units Responding:  Rescue 81, Brush 81, Support 1


Long Time No Updates...

Sorry for the long delay and no updates.  There's been a ton of things going on and I just haven't had time to update, and honestly there was a lot that needed to be done without posting updates.  Anyways, here's the readers' digest:

Pioneer was annexed by West Marshall, effective 3-1-15
West Marshall assumes response duties effective 4-14-15
The annexed area will receive a new ISO rating within the next few (3-4) months.
We are in the obtaining contractor pricing on a new station.
Our latest engine (Engine 83) is in service.

Before anything else, a big thank you to the City of Benton, specifically the Benton Fire Department for their years of response service to the Pioneer area.

We have responded to a few incidents, and I hope to start back updating the site soon.  Thanks!


Annexation Questions and Answers

As stated in recent media, the West Marshall Fire Department is seeking to annex the Pioneer Fire Association areas located west of the City of Benton.  Who does this affect?

If you live outside of the city limits on any of the following roads:

  • Symsonia Highway
  • Jackson School Road
  • Oak Level Highway
  • Breezeel School Road
  • Castleberry Lane
  • New Harmony Road
  • Cas-Cal Drive
  • Briley Way
  • Oak Shadow Drive
  • Carriage Lane
  • Pleasant Valley Road
  • Houser Road
  • Cole Lane
  • Slickback Road
  • Harvey Road
  • Gibson Lane
There may be other roads that connect to these, so if you have a question as to whether you are in our annexation area, ask us.  

Why do you wish to annex?

We wish to annex because we have the ability to provide a service that can potentially save citizens money.  This is not about one fire department being any better, worse or different than another.  West Marshall has an advantage that we have the vehicles and operational guidelines that we can give a rural rating that can benefit the citizens in this area.  We also feel that the funds that citizens in this area contribute to fire protection should go back into this area in the form of buildings, vehicles and personnel.

Our mission as a public service entity is to first respond to emergencies and provide the best service we can for life protection and property conservation.  Our goal is to do this at a minimum of expense to a taxpayer.  

What about insurance?  Will my rates go down?

Manifestly this answer is yes.  There are specific circumstances in which you may not see a significant drop.  For example, if you have poor credit and have a lengthy claim history, you will still see some reduction, but not as much as someone with a good credit score and small claim history.  Someone with State Farm will see no benefit, as State Farm does not recognize ISO. We're not in the business of selling or advertising insurance, but as you've seen previously ISO ratings cause significant drops in premiums, so we would recommend to shop around for the best coverage at the best price. 

Why can't I just stay where I am and receive this lower rating?  I live within 2 miles of West Marshall.

Because ISO gives this rating to the PRIMARY responding agency.  In order for you to receive this rating and discounts, you must be annexed into WMFD.

Don't we have to pay a tax with you guys?

Yes, West Marshall IS a fire taxing district.  We hate the word "tax" as much as anyone, but let me give you examples of how you will save money by paying a tax:

Example 1:  A 100,000 dollar house with Class 9 rating.
Your annual policy is $1495.78 (actual quote with local company)
Let's assume you pay $60.00 to Pioneer every year.
That totals $1555.78

Now, the same house, 100,000 with a Class 5 rating.
Your annual policy would be $958.59 (actual quote).
If your house is PVA assessed at 100,000 dollars, you would pay $75.00 per year to WMFD.  However, you would save overall $522.19 per year even after paying taxes.  

Example 2:  A 200,000 house with Class 9 - $2547.04
Same house, Class 5 - $1323.06 and $150.00/yr in taxes.  Now you save $1073.98 even if you don't pay Pioneer dues.  

So you can see the savings.  

We're going to be speaking with many of you, so if you have any questions, feel free to call or email us.  A good contact number is (270) 703-0819.  

ISO Class 5

The fire-protection services of West Marshall Fire Department's entire service area, as evaluated and rated by Insurance Services Office, Inc. (ISO), has improved from Class 9 to 5. In March 2014, the department underwent an intensive and comprehensive ISO survey to collect and evaluate the fire protection capabilities of the West Marshall Fire District.  Originally, the department was notified of a Class 9 to a Class 7 increase effective January 1, 2015.  However, errors in calculations resulted in a corrected and further improved rating of a Class 5 effective March 1, 2015.
ISO ratings are based on a grading scale that evaluates fire response, firefighter training, fire apparatus, fire equipment, water supply, and many other factors.  After the evaluation is complete a rating between 1 and 10 is issued to the department; a Class 1 being the best possible rating and a Class 10 being fire protection in excess of 5 miles from a fire station.

We tremendously proud of the level of fire protection and efficiency provided by our fire department, water systems, and our 911 center.  The West Marshall Fire Department, as demonstrated by this rating, has made significant strides improving fire protection in our response area.  The financial impact of this new rating is substantial to our residents. Homeowners, depending upon their insurance carrier can see rate reductions as great as 50 to 70 percent.  The hard work put forth by our fire department has resulted in this improved rating that positively affects everyone, especially those living on fixed incomes.
"I am tremendously proud of the level of fire protection and efficiency provided by our fire department, water systems, and our 911 center. The West Marshall Fire Department, as demonstrated by this rating, has made significant strides improving fire protection in our response area. The financial impact of this new rating is substantial to our residents.”
Andrus said according to his research, homeowners, depending upon their insurance carrier can see rate reductions as great as 50 to 70 percent. “The hard work put forth by our fire department has resulted in this improved rating that positively affects everyone, especially those living on fixed incomes."
The department plans on direct mail notifications to our residents in the immediate future. The Fire Board plans to petition the county clerk for annexation of the Pioneer Fire protection area west of Benton, which currently provides ISO class 9 coverage.
"This area, according to various local insurance agents, receives some of the highest homeowner premiums in Marshall County" said Andrus.  Annexation of this area would include these residents in the Class 5 area, and would allow for the insurance savings. For example, a house with a 160 thousand dollar policy currently has an annual insurance premium of over $2000 dollars.  With annexation, this policy could potentially reduce to $952 dollars annually.  Of course any individual insurance company’s savings will vary, everyone should check and see what savings they could possibly receive.   Additionally with a new facility in this annexed area, fire and rescue services will be in closer proximity for a faster response.

Two Car MVA on Brewers Highway

WMFD units responded to a two car collision on Brewers Highway at the Wilkins Road intersection.  One car left the roadway and the other vehicle remained in the roadway.  No serious injuries reported.
Responding:  Rescue 81, Brush 82


Tobacco Barn Fire on York Cemetery Road

WMFD units responded to a barn fire on York Cemetery Road.  First units on scene advised a fully engulfed structure with other nearby stocked barns with livestock.  WMFD units extinguished fire in approximately 1 hour.  Hardin-South Marshall Units assisted in the response.

Units responding:  Engine 80, Engine 82, Tanker 81,Tanker 83, Tanker 84

Structure Fire on Phelps Road

WMFD units responded to a structure fire at approximately 8:30 AM.  First units on scene reported a fully involved mobile home.  West Marshall units extinguished the blaze, but the home was a total loss.  The cause of the fire is under investigation.  West Marshall was assisted by the Benton Fire Dept and the Lakeland Red Cross.
Units Responding:  Engine 80, Engine 81, Engine 82, Tanker 81, Tanker 83, Tanker 84, Rescue 81

Brush Fire on Olive Creek Road

WMFD units responded to a brush fire to assist Hardin-South Marshall Fire Department and Aurora-Ross on Olive Creek Road in the Jonathan Creek area today.  High winds and lower humidity again created difficult fire conditions and the fire spread from a field into a wooded area.  All departments worked together and contained the fire in approximately 30 minutes, with approximately 4 acres burned.
Units responding:  Brush 82, Ranger 1