So that idea has been dead for a while. Until now. This isn't as fancy as, but it will work. We can upload photos instantly, auto post to facebook, etc. It's a Christmas miracle.
Jon and myself are going to post to this semi-regularly for updates and news stuff as everyone can see this. I'll probably enlist my technical entourage to help move this to where it has a domain name, so stay tuned.
Now, to the important part. Jonathan beat me to the punch on wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and his words I can't really expand upon. I think we really do have the best Fire Department in the area and as much as we put on you to have to do (trainings, calls, work assignments, etc) you all perform as always.
We have a lot going on behind the scenes right now and 2013 will be a year with potentially a lot of changes. All I can ask is hold on tight for the ride. As you all know, we do have a new brush truck that is in the construction phase, I will attach a video or two for you to enjoy compliments of Jason Darnall. I hope this truck to be completed in February.
Alright, well enough for this. I hope everyone likes this new format. If anyone has comments or complaints, let me know.
I will update this regularly, but I'll email you in regards to updates. Again, Merry Christmas and thanks for what you do.