Hog Barn Fire on Lela Green Road

WMFD units responded to a fire in a hog barn on Lela Green Road.  First units on scene reported heavy smoke from an approximately 120 x 300 building.  Units established an attack line to the rear of the building and utilizing thermal imaging located the fire and extinguished.  The fire was contained to a small area and no livestock was present in the building.
Thanks to South Marshall Fire, Palma Briensburg Fire, Calloway Fire Rescue, Clear Springs Fire for their assistance.

Units responding:  E80, E82, E83, T81, B81, B82


Its been several months since we've updated our website.  There's a lot of excuses I can give, but basically its been because we've been using Facebook to update on call responses and other issues.  But after talking with Jonathan we're going to try to use this more again. 

Things that have been progressing since our last update.  We are in construction on our new fire station.  The Fire Station will be known as the West Marshall Department Middle Fork Station.  Here are some construction photos....

Second, we have been responding to calls now in the former Pioneer response area.  There have been few calls, which is a good thing of course.  

Additionally, we would like to congratulate our neighboring districts to the east, Hardin-South Marshall Fire Department and Aurora-Ross Fire Departments have merged to form the South Marshall Fire Department.  We look forward to working with the new department.

More updates to come...