I'm really liking this website, it is much more flexible than I ever imagined. I've also got the website up on www.wmfd.us as well as the blogspot page. Keep visiting regularly, this website will change regularly. I even added a radar and a temperature widget. Feeling pretty smart right now...
The brush truck is still coming along slowly but well. Just today, Jason finished some of the radio/console install. I've got some low quality phone pictures of the console. It looks professional as can be. There are some pretty nice things about the truck so far that you just have to see to appreciate. We have high intensity rear scene lighting and are working on high intensity driving/fog lights for the front. I still expect the truck to be completed mid-February.
As they say, no news is good news around the Fire Department. No calls to report at this time. We do have a work session planned for Saturday to work on the brush truck and the station, so more pictures as we go.
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